Taming a Tokay Gecko

Tokay gecko is an interesting pet to breed. Unlike other species of gecko, such as the Leopard and Fat-tailed gecko, they’re an aggressive reptile and would rather fight than dropping its tail.

It will try to bite its enemy when attacked. So you will need to be very careful if you decide to touch it without wearing gloves. For safety precaution, it’s better if you wear a pair of welding gloves to handle it because it might bite you really hard.

A Tokay gecko will feel highly stressed when it’s switched to a new place. So you might want to leave it alone in its terrarium until it feels comfortable with its new surroundings. Let it feel relaxed and eat the food that you prepared for it. You can feed it with crickets as its main diet and a few super worms occasionally.

After it is ready, you should spend about 20 to 30 minutes a day handling it every day. Make sure you get a pair of heavy-duty welding gloves to protect your hand. It will take time to tame it, so you need to be patient with your new pet. Good luck!

Tokay Gecko 95g

We caught another one tokay gecko a few days ago. This one weigh 100g. At least this one is heavier than the previous tokay gecko that we caught.

Let’s see how long it will take to grow it to be at least 400g.

p/s: If you have any tokay gecko for sale, please do not hesitate to email me – khusairychen@gmail.com

Green Tokay Gecko – 53g

This is so far the largest Tokay Gecko (Tokek) that I’ve come across, well, there are many of them bigger than this of course, but I haven’t seen them myself yet.

We put the Tokek in a net to make it easier for us to weight it. Too bad this one is still too small, we’re probably go for another trip to hunt it again this weekend, insyaAllah.

You can send me an email if you’re interested to buy it.