Happy New Year

I know it’s already the second week of 2013 but I have been busy with a lot of stuff lately.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy new year, I hope that it will bring a new beginning for you and your family.

Do you have a New Year resolution? I really think you should come up with a few if you don’t have any yet as I believe it’s going to set your journey throughout the year with a clear focus.

I have a few too. So here goes:

  • Get married in 2013

It’s about time for me to end my single status and get married to the woman that I love.

  • Become a full time forex trader

I know I have been talking about this for several times, but I truly believe Forex and stock market is where the real big money is at without having to deal with too many people in the process. I probably need to spend more time doing my reading and ask around to achieve my goal of making at least $100 per day by trading forex.

  • Commit myself to the 5 daily shalat prayers

I have been a muslim for more than 3 years now and I never really prayed as I should. I will not give myself any excuse from performing my shalat from now on.

That’s about it for now. Once again, happy new year everyone, may it bring blessings and prosperity to you.